In mid-November, seven tax officials of the Ministry of Taxes made a study visit to Federal Ministry of Finance of Germany. Practical side of TP risk analysis, progressive exchange of information and legal basis of TP, as the most sought-after topics, among others, took the center-stage of Berlin trip. Qualified auditors from Federal Central Tax Office in Bonn, participated and delivered fruitful training sessions on aforesaid subjects, including TP auditing and its legal bases in Germany, application of OECD TP Guidelines, etc. as well as provided real cases-based explanations linked to Transfer Pricing.
At the end of this 4-day study visit to Berlin, tax officers of the Ministry of Taxes gained hands-on information and enriched their skills and knowledge further on above topics and also practical sides of TP risk analysis, effective working mechanisms used by TP-unit, Guidelines on coordinated international tax audits and its objectives, Auditors’ authorities in executing the audit and requirements, etc.